GMAC Championship 2022

Miami, FL

GMAC Championship 2022 vs GMAC Championship 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -83 297 380
Overall Average -49.57 24:47.92 25:37.49
1st-10th Place +21.02 17:15.46 16:54.44
1st-25th Place +30.44 18:08.19 17:37.75
1st-50th Place +24.84 18:49.68 18:24.84
1st-100th Place +27.00 20:05.64 19:38.65
Common Athletes -- -- 54
Ran Faster -36 9 45
Ran Season Best -12 -- 12
Average Time +2:17.71 23:52.74 21:35.03
Median Time +1:47.32 22:55.42 21:08.10
Middle 80% Times +2:24.41 23:48.37 21:23.96
Top 10% Times +2:03.19 18:47.81 16:44.62
Top 25% Times +2:00.52 19:15.77 17:15.25
Top 50% Times +1:55.95 20:15.95 18:20.00
Bottom 50% Times +2:39.47 27:29.53 24:50.06
Bottom 25% Times +2:33.90 29:53.64 27:19.73
Bottom 10% Times +1:30.73 31:26.48 29:55.75
Average Difference +2:17.71 -- --
Median Difference +2:11.56 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:28.86 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:27.87 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:45.06 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:42.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:45.06 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:50.36 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:51.67 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:27.28 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Alexander Lopez Christopher Columbus HS +3:00.75 19:23.85 16:23.10
Anthony Scarcello Christopher Columbus HS +1:07.31 17:35.31 16:28.00
Luis Marti Coral Reef HS +2:29.19 19:12.39 16:43.20
Gabriel Carr Miami Sunset HS +2:24.56 19:19.06 16:54.50
Anthony Porter Coral Reef HS +3:37.75 20:37.15 16:59.40
Jason Norona Coral Gables HS +2:03.03 19:02.53 16:59.50
Federico Llaguno Christopher Columbus HS +3:00.35 20:00.05 16:59.70
Luis Rodriguez Coral Gables HS +1:52.20 19:04.00 17:11.80
Christian Someillan Christopher Columbus HS +1:36.84 19:05.64 17:28.80
Linus Boettcher Coral Gables HS +1:22.89 19:01.09 17:38.20
Andres Brown Christopher Columbus HS +4:53.14 22:39.34 17:46.20
Luis Jimenez Christopher Columbus HS +2:06.15 19:54.85 17:48.70
Emilio Gonzalez Christopher Columbus HS +3:02.24 21:01.34 17:59.10
Lucas Gonzalez Christopher Columbus HS +44.96 18:58.26 18:13.30
Daniel Lopez Felix Varela HS +1:33.57 19:48.97 18:15.40
Jonas Wyse Coral Reef HS +59.03 19:32.13 18:33.10
Russell Tomlin Coral Reef HS +3:54.53 22:36.03 18:41.50
Andres Rodriguez Coral Gables HS +2:29.25 21:19.25 18:50.00
Adrian PEREZ Coral Gables HS +5:23.82 24:50.32 19:26.50
Alvin Sanchez-Heft Miami Coral Park HS +48.26 20:17.06 19:28.80
Christophe Marty Felix Varela HS +5:58.46 25:28.46 19:30.00
Santiago Gonzalez Coral Gables HS +1:34.44 21:09.24 19:34.80
Avril Donner Coral Gables HS +3:19.32 22:55.42 19:36.10
Thomas McGowan Miami Northwestern HS -24.45 19:42.65 20:07.10
Samantha Ruiz Coral Reef HS +1:05.53 21:14.73 20:09.20
Dylan Rojas TERRA Environmental Research Institute +1:11.57 21:39.77 20:28.20
Jude Zayas John A. Ferguson HS -1:14.95 20:36.25 21:51.20
Abbigail Laine TERRA Environmental Research Institute +2:11.56 22:57.26 20:45.70
Tyler Villamor Southwest Miami HS -1:09.96 21:03.74 22:13.70
Yara Korse Coral Gables HS +5:18.51 26:26.61 21:08.10
Sharon Contreras Coral Gables HS +5:34.51 26:50.61 21:16.10
matthew sanchez John A. Ferguson HS -1:42.27 21:22.93 23:05.20
Lauren Puig Coral Gables HS +7:22.76 29:01.16 21:38.40
Hugo Medina MAST Academy (Maritime And Science Tech.) +2:11.95 23:51.35 21:39.40
La'Darius Jones Homestead HS -10.77 21:53.03 22:03.80
Alexa Naranjo John A. Ferguson HS +2:50.89 24:59.29 22:08.40
Alysse Gutierrez Coral Reef HS +7:21.36 29:48.06 22:26.70
Daliany Negron Miami Sunset HS +2:21.90 24:59.70 22:37.80
alexis Bertot TERRA Environmental Research Institute +59.01 23:47.51 22:48.50
Sofia Marti Coral Reef HS +5:32.54 28:30.64 22:58.10
Kelsi Sell Felix Varela HS +3:04.74 26:22.74 23:18.00
Allison Roca TERRA Environmental Research Institute +5:30.77 29:24.87 23:54.10
Matthew Florenzano TERRA Environmental Research Institute +3:31.86 27:34.76 24:02.90
Shanericka Martin Homestead HS +3:57.67 29:04.07 25:06.40
Silvia Lamas TERRA Environmental Research Institute -4:37.01 25:08.19 29:45.20
hannah paredes Barbara Goleman HS -1:08.67 25:09.03 26:17.70
Samantha GONZALEZ Coral Gables HS +3:14.27 29:37.57 26:23.30
Emely Bravo MAST Academy (Maritime And Science Tech.) +1:20.67 27:55.97 26:35.30
Stephany Anacona Felix Varela HS +2:20.73 29:44.83 27:24.10
Zoey Philon Coral Reef HS +2:00.34 29:41.04 27:40.70
Natalie Martin Miami Coral Park HS +3:21.85 31:45.95 28:24.10
Savannah Pertierra MAST Academy (Maritime And Science Tech.) +4:36.16 33:16.36 28:40.20
Jadyn Lopez TERRA Environmental Research Institute -1:05.90 28:43.00 29:48.90
Jakayla Milton Miami Carol City HS -52.77 34:22.63 35:15.40