Inverness Middle School Invite 2024

Inverness, FL

Athlete Entries

Middle school Boys 1,600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez Garcia, Alexis Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Prenaj, Teo Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Davis, Eric Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Arana, Vinny 6:02.80 Lecanto Middle School
Thrift, Miles 6:18.15 Inverness Middle School
Crawley, Rhett 6:20.00 Inverness Middle School
Forteau, Jaelen 6:24.45 Lecanto Middle School
Mansfield, Ayden 6:25.00 Inverness Middle School
Medders, Dalton 6:50.19 Lecanto Middle School
Ritli , Jett 7:00.00 Inverness Middle School
Arnold, Kai 7:00.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Boys 100 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fowler, Hunter Lecanto Middle School
Lucena, Jaxson Lecanto Middle School
Mejias, Preston Seven Rivers Christian School
Brashear, Austin Lecanto Middle School
Faulkner, Colten Lecanto Middle School
Esquilin, Evan 12.37 Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Thrift, Miles 12.90 Inverness Middle School
Setser, Logan 13.04 Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Aguilera, Caden 13.40 Inverness Middle School
Dayao, Marko 13.48 Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Rodriguez-Martinez, Carlos 14.70 Inverness Middle School
Alcorn, Josh 14.70 Inverness Middle School
Blandford, Sean 14.80 Inverness Middle School
Prater, Brodie 15.00 Inverness Middle School
Costa, Christian 15.40 Inverness Middle School
Sweigart, Jackson 16.40 Inverness Middle School
Doolittle, wase 16.50 Inverness Middle School
Dill, Noah 17.00 Inverness Middle School
Bolling, Johnny 18.20 Inverness Middle School
Lefave, Treffley 18.80 Inverness Middle School
Keppen, Nolan 20.10 Inverness Middle School
Henry, Cooper 22.19 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bullion, Aiden Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Dubose, Carl Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Faulkner, Colten Lecanto Middle School
Setser, Logan 18.32 Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Rodriguez-Martinez, Carlos 18:00.00 Inverness Middle School
Alcorn, Josh 18:50.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Boys 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mejias, Preston Seven Rivers Christian School
Koskiken, Riley Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Dawson, Joey Lecanto Middle School
Lucena, Jaxson Lecanto Middle School
Fradera, Elijah Lecanto Middle School
Esquilin, Evan 27.96 Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Dayao, Marko 28.43 Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Aguilera, Caden 28.50 Inverness Middle School
Costa, Christian 29.50 Inverness Middle School
Ritli , Jett 29.70 Inverness Middle School
Doolittle, wase 31.50 Inverness Middle School
Sweigart, Jackson 31.70 Inverness Middle School
Macias, Blayne 32.00 Inverness Middle School
Keppen, Nolan 33.00 Inverness Middle School
Macias, Hunter 35.00 Inverness Middle School
Blanco, Kiki 39.53 Lecanto Middle School
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Middle school Boys 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prenaj, Teo Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Mejias, Preston Seven Rivers Christian School
Lewis, Michael Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Martinez Garcia, Alexis Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Rise, Jackson 1:07.24 Lecanto Middle School
Thrift, Miles 1:10.56 Inverness Middle School
Aguilera, Caden 1:12.00 Inverness Middle School
Ritli , Jett 1:16.00 Inverness Middle School
Smith, Austin 1:17.00 Inverness Middle School
Sweigart, Jackson 1:18.00 Inverness Middle School
Dill, Noah 1:21.00 Inverness Middle School
Keppen, Nolan 1:22.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lecanto Middle School
Relay Team A Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Relay Team B Lecanto Middle School
Relay Team A 52.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Relay Team A Lecanto Middle School
Relay Team A 4:50.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Boys 800 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Duke Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Martinez Garcia, Alexis Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Lewis, Michael Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Crawley, Rhett 2:40.00 Inverness Middle School
Mansfield, Ayden 2:42.00 Inverness Middle School
Smith, Austin 2:45.00 Inverness Middle School
Doolittle, wase 2:46.00 Inverness Middle School
Arana, Vinny 2:47.48 Lecanto Middle School
Medders, Dalton 3:10.86 Lecanto Middle School
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Middle school Boys Discus 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blanco, Kiki 14.19m Lecanto Middle School
Serino, Grant Lecanto Middle School
Rise, Jackson 15.01m Lecanto Middle School
Henry, Cooper 14.12m Inverness Middle School
Cruz, Aaron 13.71m Inverness Middle School
Merchant, Connor 19.96m Inverness Middle School
Bolling, Johnny 13.50m Inverness Middle School
Naruta, Grant 14.00m Inverness Middle School
Prater, Brodie 14.50m Inverness Middle School
Lefave, Treffley 14.30m Inverness Middle School
Bailey, Aj Seven Rivers Christian School
Doherty, Jeffrey 21.61m Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Lee, Roy Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Koskiken, Riley Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Varney, Gabe 21.89m Lecanto Middle School
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Middle school Boys High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Forteau, Jaelen 1.52m Lecanto Middle School
Smith, Austin 3.00m Inverness Middle School
Harrington, Chase Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Waters, Adam Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Garcia, Duke Buffalo Ridge Middle School
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Middle School Boys Javelin 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blanco, Kiki Lecanto Middle School
DeLaPaz, Ryan Lecanto Middle School
Fowler, Hunter Lecanto Middle School
Medders, Dalton Lecanto Middle School
Peters, Trenton Lecanto Middle School
Rise, Jackson Lecanto Middle School
Serino, Grant Lecanto Middle School
Merchant, Connor 27.76m Inverness Middle School
Cruz, Aaron 16.00m Inverness Middle School
Naruta, Grant 17.00m Inverness Middle School
Bolling, Johnny 14.00m Inverness Middle School
Henry, Cooper 15.00m Inverness Middle School
Blandford, Sean 25.00m Inverness Middle School
Alcorn, Josh 22.00m Inverness Middle School
Bailey, Aj Seven Rivers Christian School
Varney, Gabe Lecanto Middle School
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Middle school Boys Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Faulkner, Colten Lecanto Middle School
Rise, Jackson Lecanto Middle School
DeLaPaz, Ryan 3.77m Lecanto Middle School
Fradera, Elijah Lecanto Middle School
Brashear, Austin Lecanto Middle School
Crawley, Rhett 4.00m Inverness Middle School
Rodriguez-Martinez, Carlos 4.20m Inverness Middle School
Alcorn, Josh 3.50m Inverness Middle School
Bolling, Johnny 2.75m Inverness Middle School
Costa, Christian 4.50m Inverness Middle School
Aguilera, Caden 4.87m Inverness Middle School
Henry, Cooper 2.57m Inverness Middle School
Setser, Logan 4.20m Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Licciardello, Blake 4.42m Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Meade, Rider Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Fowler, Hunter Lecanto Middle School
Arnold, Kai 3.00m Inverness Middle School
Macias, Blayne 3.50m Inverness Middle School
Macias, Hunter 3.00m Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Boys Shot Put 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blanco, Kiki 5.48m Lecanto Middle School
Merchant, Connor 6.87m Inverness Middle School
Naruta, Grant 5.00m Inverness Middle School
Baird, Jaiden 5.00m Inverness Middle School
Bailey, Aj Seven Rivers Christian School
Li, Marcus Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Rose, Hayden Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Bullion, Aiden Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Dawson, Joey Lecanto Middle School
Brashear, Austin Lecanto Middle School
Peters, Trenton Lecanto Middle School
Serino, Grant Lecanto Middle School
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Middle school Girls 1,600 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bryan, Emmalyn Lecanto Middle School
Henson, Annabella Lecanto Middle School
Chiles, Rachael 5:53.00 Inverness Middle School
Budd, Kathryn 6:34.33 Inverness Middle School
Allender, Peyton 8:00.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Girls 100 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
King, Kensey Lecanto Middle School
Holley, Peyton Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Tessenear, Lorelei Seven Rivers Christian School
Evans, Isabella Lecanto Middle School
Porras-Cobo, Ana Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Tuskowski, Ellie Seven Rivers Christian School
Hayes, Kerrigan Lecanto Middle School
Shehan, Giada Lecanto Middle School
Bucell, Ashley Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Tran, Natalie Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Dardeen, Riley 14.30 Inverness Middle School
Rucker, Cheyenne 14.37 Lecanto Middle School
Bennett, Gracie 15.00 Inverness Middle School
Heaton, Samantha 15.05 Inverness Middle School
Brunk, Deborah 15.40 Inverness Middle School
Storey, Emma 15.44 Inverness Middle School
Calcogino, Karlie 15.50 Inverness Middle School
Smith, Cheyenne 15.69 Inverness Middle School
Bennett, Emmaleigh 15.80 Inverness Middle School
Budd, Kathryn 15.92 Inverness Middle School
Lehman, Brielle 16.00 Inverness Middle School
Berding-Powell, Jaycee 16.00 Inverness Middle School
Carter, Kenna 16.00 Inverness Middle School
Greaux, Kenslee 16.10 Inverness Middle School
Pittman, Landyn 16.10 Inverness Middle School
Linskie, Rhoen 16.13 Inverness Middle School
Brown, Avalon 16.30 Inverness Middle School
Hill, Brooklin 16.40 Inverness Middle School
Redovan, Ema 16.40 Inverness Middle School
McCarthy, Khyra 16.40 Inverness Middle School
Blair, Arianna 16.43 Inverness Middle School
Blanco, Lola 16.43 Lecanto Middle School
Feeser, Addalyn 16.50 Inverness Middle School
Reynolds, Emily 16.50 Inverness Middle School
Dempsey, Izze 16.60 Inverness Middle School
Lefever, Kylie 16.60 Inverness Middle School
Werner, Alice 16.70 Inverness Middle School
Hunt, Avani 16.93 Inverness Middle School
Forteau, A'Marie 17.01 Lecanto Middle School
Rosier, Bryce 17.80 Inverness Middle School
Graziano, Alicia 18.31 Lecanto Middle School
Williams, Abbey 18.40 Inverness Middle School
Kreideweis, Layla 18.80 Inverness Middle School
VanNiersen, Layla 19.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gebaide, Kailey Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Hayes, Kerrigan Lecanto Middle School
Bufford, Lillian Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Henson, Isabella Lecanto Middle School
Collins, Brynna Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Williams, Sirayah Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Sween, Adelynn Lecanto Middle School
Linskie, Rhoen 21.19 Inverness Middle School
Smerecki, Casey 21.83 Inverness Middle School
Budd, Kathryn 22.01 Inverness Middle School
Smith, Cheyenne 22.32 Inverness Middle School
Werner, Alice 22.50 Inverness Middle School
Carey, Paris 23.11 Lecanto Middle School
Williams, Abbey 24.10 Inverness Middle School
Naruta, Julia 24.17 Inverness Middle School
Hill, Brooklin 24.30 Inverness Middle School
Blair, Arianna 24.60 Inverness Middle School
Allender, Peyton 24.70 Inverness Middle School
Fowler, Emilie 25.00 Inverness Middle School
Hunt, Avani 25.36 Inverness Middle School
Trotter, Mikayla 26.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Girls 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holley, Peyton Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Hayes, Kerrigan Lecanto Middle School
Porras-Cobo, Ana Buffalo Ridge Middle School
King, Kensey Lecanto Middle School
Tessenear, Lorelei Seven Rivers Christian School
Martin, Iviana Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Clark, London Lecanto Middle School
Hammer, Isabella Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Tuskowski, Ellie Seven Rivers Christian School
Dardeen, Riley 30.41 Inverness Middle School
Rucker, Cheyenne 30.65 Lecanto Middle School
Heaton, Samantha 31.00 Inverness Middle School
Werner, Alice 33.00 Inverness Middle School
Greaux, Kenslee 33.50 Inverness Middle School
Hunt, Mayclyn 33.71 Lecanto Middle School
Forteau, A'Marie 34.59 Lecanto Middle School
Berding-Powell, Jaycee 34.90 Inverness Middle School
Reynolds, Emily 35.00 Inverness Middle School
Linskie, Rhoen 35.45 Inverness Middle School
Feuston, Emily 35.54 Lecanto Middle School
Carter, Kenna 36.00 Inverness Middle School
Redovan, Ema 36.50 Inverness Middle School
Hill, Brooklin 37.00 Inverness Middle School
Gandy, Tanner 38.25 Lecanto Middle School
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Middle school Girls 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hammer, Isabella Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Rucker, Cheyenne Lecanto Middle School
Tessenear, Lorelei Seven Rivers Christian School
Billmyer, Melanie Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Tuskowski, Ellie Seven Rivers Christian School
Dees, Sydney Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Manco, Anastasia Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Dardeen, Riley 1:09.62 Inverness Middle School
Evans, Isabella 1:15.00 Lecanto Middle School
Clevenger, Kailie 1:15.20 Inverness Middle School
Dirscherl, Amaya 1:15.30 Inverness Middle School
Serino, Taylor 1:17.79 Lecanto Middle School
Hunt, Mayclyn 1:18.70 Lecanto Middle School
Forteau, A'Marie 1:18.84 Lecanto Middle School
Warden, Ashlynn 1:21.00 Inverness Middle School
Blanco, Lola 1:22.41 Lecanto Middle School
Hoppe, Kinsley 1:26.00 Lecanto Middle School
Henson, Isabella 1:26.00 Lecanto Middle School
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Middle school Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Lecanto Middle School
Relay Team B Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Relay Team A Lecanto Middle School
Relay Team A Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Relay Team A 1:00.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lecanto Middle School
Relay Team A Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Relay Team A 5:00.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Girls 800 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gandy, Tanner Lecanto Middle School
Whittaker, Emma Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Slem, Chloe Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Bryan, Emmalyn Lecanto Middle School
Balzano, Julia Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Sween, Adelynn Lecanto Middle School
Bollenback, Alyna Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Chiles, Rachael 2:37.00 Inverness Middle School
Budd, Kathryn 2:54.06 Inverness Middle School
Dirscherl, Amaya 3:09.47 Inverness Middle School
Naruta, Julia 3:42.20 Inverness Middle School
Wilson, Emily 3:45.00 Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Girls Discus 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Graziano, Alicia 22.34m Lecanto Middle School
Wood, Jordan 13.65m Lecanto Middle School
Hughes, Madison 9.83m Lecanto Middle School
Blanco, Lola Lecanto Middle School
Feuston, Emily Lecanto Middle School
King, Kensey Lecanto Middle School
Serino, Taylor Lecanto Middle School
Lefave, Ryleigh 19.78m Inverness Middle School
Budd, Gabrianna 13.31m Inverness Middle School
Case, Jocelyn 19.00m Inverness Middle School
Trotter, Mikayla 12.00m Inverness Middle School
Chiles, Rachael 19.50m Inverness Middle School
Clevenger, Kailie 19.00m Inverness Middle School
Slem, Chloe Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Newman, Reese Buffalo Ridge Middle School
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Middle school Girls High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Converse, Icelyn 1.17m Lecanto Middle School
Bateman, Elle Lecanto Middle School
Hoppe, Kinsley Lecanto Middle School
Shehan, Giada Lecanto Middle School
Fowler, Emilie 1.00m Inverness Middle School
Smith, Cheyenne 1.22m Inverness Middle School
Brannen, Addison 1.00m Inverness Middle School
Budd, Gabrianna 1.00m Inverness Middle School
Heaton, Samantha 1.17m Inverness Middle School
Wilson, Emily 1.00m Inverness Middle School
Smerecki, Casey 1.17m Inverness Middle School
Gladdin, Kinley Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Brunk, Deborah 1.00m Inverness Middle School
Comis, Braylin Buffalo Ridge Middle School
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Middle School Girls Javelin 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bateman, Elle Lecanto Middle School
Clark, London Lecanto Middle School
Converse, Icelyn Lecanto Middle School
Hughes, Madison Lecanto Middle School
King, Kensey Lecanto Middle School
Serino, Taylor Lecanto Middle School
Sween, Adelynn Lecanto Middle School
Lefave, Ryleigh 22.00m Inverness Middle School
Budd, Gabrianna 13.35m Inverness Middle School
Rosier, Bryce 18.22m Inverness Middle School
Clevenger, Kailie 19.00m Inverness Middle School
Chiles, Rachael 22.17m Inverness Middle School
Naruta, Julia 15.00m Inverness Middle School
Warden, Ashlynn 13.00m Inverness Middle School
Dirscherl, Amaya 20.00m Inverness Middle School
Lehman, Brielle 17.00m Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Girls Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bateman, Elle 3.05m Lecanto Middle School
Hunt, Mayclyn 3.12m Lecanto Middle School
Converse, Icelyn 3.26m Lecanto Middle School
Carey, Paris Lecanto Middle School
Clark, London Lecanto Middle School
Feuston, Emily Lecanto Middle School
Hayes, Kerrigan Lecanto Middle School
Henson, Annabella Lecanto Middle School
Henson, Isabella Lecanto Middle School
Hoppe, Kinsley Lecanto Middle School
Shehan, Giada Lecanto Middle School
Wood, Jordan Lecanto Middle School
Gandy, Tanner 2.80m Lecanto Middle School
Smerecki, Casey 3.68m Inverness Middle School
Wright, Kelsey 3.66m Inverness Middle School
Jackson, Erin 3.00m Inverness Middle School
Bennett, Emmaleigh 3.50m Inverness Middle School
Brannen, Addison 3.55m Inverness Middle School
Dirscherl, Amaya 3.37m Inverness Middle School
Hunt, Avani 3.00m Inverness Middle School
Brown, Avalon 3.00m Inverness Middle School
Storey, Emma 3.60m Inverness Middle School
Massingill, Ryleigh 3.30m Inverness Middle School
Pittman, Landyn 3.00m Inverness Middle School
Lefever, Kylie 3.00m Inverness Middle School
Wilson, Emily 3.00m Inverness Middle School
Naruta, Julia 3.44m Inverness Middle School
Tran, Natalie Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Williams, Sirayah Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Smith, Cameryn Buffalo Ridge Middle School
Brunk, Deborah 3.00m Inverness Middle School
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Middle school Girls Shot Put 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Graziano, Alicia 9.50m Lecanto Middle School
Wood, Jordan 7.31m Lecanto Middle School
Hughes, Madison 5.13m Lecanto Middle School
Feuston, Emily Lecanto Middle School
Lefave, Ryleigh 8.45m Inverness Middle School
Smith, Cheyenne 6.54m Inverness Middle School
Rosier, Bryce 8.72m Inverness Middle School
Budd, Gabrianna 8.46m Inverness Middle School
Case, Jocelyn 8.00m Inverness Middle School
VanNiersen, Layla 6.50m Inverness Middle School
Winfrey, Adalyn Buffalo Ridge Middle School
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