
Sorry the first part is so bumpy... golf cart cam on a bumpy course. This is actually the best parts! Got everyone finishing so watch to end.

Often in life things have a way of working themselves out for the good, even in ways that were not intended or not expected. Such is the case with this year’s second annual FLYRA Middle School State Championship. Originally scheduled to be held at Sun ‘n’ Fun (where it was last year), the organization had a last minute monkey wrench thrown in the works that landed them instead at a former phosphate mine known as San Lan. And what a beautiful setting it was! With hard packed grown, some rolling elevation, beautiful ponds and streams, canopied paths, plenty of shade (not that we needed it today), and lots of green in every direction.
The future of running will meet at Lakeland's San Lan park this weekend for the Middle School State Championships. Flrunners.com will be on hand with race footage, video interviews, and tons of photos from the event!
Sometimes bad things have to happen, so that better things can take their place. That better things for FLYRA was announced this morning, the non-profit organization has secured its new venue: Sanlan Ranch.
FLYRA is proud to present the 2nd annual Florida Middle School State Cross Country Championships on November 5, 2011 at Sun and Fun Park in Lakeland, Florida-- the same course and location where the event was held last year. As was the case last year, there will be 3 races: a boys and girls championship, and a mixed developmental race. All races will be 3 kilometers in length.