
Ferguson HS Track

Address: 15900 SW 56 St., Miami Kendall, FL 33185

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2018-02-24 Ferguson Falcon Invite
2017-04-05 Ferguson HS Last Gasp invite
2017-02-25 Ferguson Falcon Invite
2017-02-18 West Kendall Championship
2017-02-13 Ferguson Small Meet
2016-03-25 Ferguson Intrasquad Meet
2016-03-16 Ferguson Quad Meet: Sunset, Braddock, Coral Park
2016-03-05 Ferguson Mid-Season Time Trial
2016-02-27 Ferguson Falcons Invitational
2016-02-20 West Kendall Championship
2016-02-13 Miami-Dade MS Championship
2016-02-06 Miami-Dade MS Championship Qualifier
2016-01-23 Larry Wooten Invitational
2016-01-16 West Kendall MS Invitational
2016-01-09 Miami Junior Varsity MS Invitational
2015-11-05 Ferguson 5k Time Trial
2015-04-11 FHSAA 4A District 16
2015-04-04 Dade County Youth Fair HS Championship
2015-03-20 Ferguson Intrasquad Meet
2015-03-10 Ferguson Quad Meet: Gulliver, Killian, Monsignor Pace
2015-02-28 Ferguson Falcons Invitational
2015-02-20 West Kendall Championship
2015-02-07 Miami-Dade MS Championship Qualifier
2015-01-31 Dade County Youth Fair MS Championship
2015-01-24 Larry Wooten Invitational
2015-01-17 West Kendall MS Invitational
2015-01-10 Miami Junior Varsity MS Invitational
2014-11-14 Ferguson 5k Time Trial
2014-04-05 Dade County Youth Fair HS Championship
2014-03-22 Ferguson Intrasquad Meet
2014-03-13 Ferguson Quad Meet: Killian, Southwest, Coral Park
2014-03-08 Ferguson Falcons Invitational
2014-02-22 West Kendall Championship
2014-02-08 Junior Orange Bowl MS Invitational
2014-02-01 Dade County Youth Fair MS Championship
2014-01-25 Larry Wooten Invitational
2014-01-18 West Kendall MS Invitational
2014-01-11 Miami Junior Varsity MS Invitational
2013-04-20 FHSAA 4A District 15
2013-04-06 Dade County Youth Fair HS Championship
2013-04-03 Ferguson Tri Meet: Coral Park, Palmetto
2013-03-12 Ferguson Quad (Tri) Meet: Varela, Killian
2013-03-09 Ferguson Falcons Invitational
2013-02-23 West Kendall Championship
2013-02-02 Dade County Youth Fair MS Championship
2013-01-26 Larry Wooten Invitational
2013-01-19 West Kendall MS Invitational
2013-01-12 Miami Junior Varsity MS Invitational
2012-04-21 FHSAA 4A District 15
2012-04-05 JAF Invitational

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 - 1:19.00 21:00 - 1:51.00
16:00 - 1:24.00 22:00 - 1:56.00
17:00 - 1:29.00 23:00 - 2:01.00
18:00 - 1:35.00 24:00 - 2:06.00
19:00 - 1:40.00 25:00 - 2:12.00
20:00 - 1:45.00 26:00 - 2:17.00