Greetings! This past week finished out the regular season of my senior year at the University of Florida Pepsi Relays. I competed in long jump Thursday afternoon finishing first with a leap of 18 feet 9 inches. I returned to the track Friday morning to compete in triple jump. I was blessed to win Friday as well with a distance of 40 feet 8 and 1/4 inches. Overall it was a good meet for me. With a few more weeks of hard work before state, I am prayerful and patient that everything will come together at the right time.
It's hard to believe my season has flown by just that quick! I vividly remember the start of my high school career seven years ago. At the time, I was the youngest member out on the track. I was able to learn from the older athletes that had experience in the sport which was very profitable to me. I've attended numerous meets over the years and can say I have enjoyed every competition. As I get ready to head into districts this Friday, I look forward to having fun, jumping far, and running fast. More to come over the next couple of weeks as this season comes to an end.
Blessings to all this post season!
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