FACA Senior All-Star Watch List #2

Here's the second round of the FACA Senior All-Star Watch List which takes a look at all of the top seniors from around the state based on their geographical locations. This is the second listing of five that will compiled which will aid the FACA All-Star Selection Committee in their choices as to which athletes make the cut for the Senior All-Star Classic. The first listing was based on the first half of the regular season, and this Watch List specifically pertains to the end of the regular season, the last three weeks of racing. As the lists continue, they will be arranged based off of current race performances (District, Region, and State), not focusing primarily on what was run earlier in the season. The fifth and final ranking will be done after the State Championship. So good luck as we head into the post-season, seniors!

FACA Senior All-Star Classic Meet Page: http://fl.milesplit.com/meets/246595

FACA Senior All-Star Info & Watch List #1: http://fl.milesplit.com/articles/192120