Up Close: Enoch Nadler

Matt Baum (flrunners.com): You just came off a pretty good race at state. Were you happy with the results?

Enoch Nadler: I was pleased with my effort, but I hoped to have a better time. Due to injuries I was unable to complete the necessary training to run as well as I had hoped.

MB:Did you have any race strategy going into the race?

EN: I wanted to go out at about 4:43 for the first mile. I ended up going out a little harder because when Andy started to move up I knew I needed to go with him if I wanted to place higher than fourth. I hit the mile in 4:38 and I slowly started to fade, but was able to hold on for fourth place. I am glad that I went for it and I have no regrets.

MB: Going back to your injury. You were batteling that for quite some time, right?

EN: Correct. I had shin splits. I went to several specialists who told me several different things and finally one of them informed me that is was due to my IT band flexibility. The IT band was pulling my feet slightly out and this induced stress on my shins. I took December and January off. I trained every day in the pool or on the bike and increased my flexibility with stretching and specific exercises.

MB: Were you battling this injury during the State Cross Country Meet?

EN: Yes, through the summer and during the season, but injuries are part of running and you have to work through them and you can't give up. I feel that this has made me a stronger person and I am better for it.

Personal Facts:
Birthdate: July 7, 1985
Height: 5'10
Weight: 135
MB: Recently you committed to University of Florida. Can you tell us a little bit why you chose Florida?

EN: I chose the Gators for several reasons. First, I feel that coach Pigg is a great coach and that he will be able to help me reach my potential. I feel that he is developing something special and I want to be part of it. Next, it is close to home which is a plus. Also, Florida is a great school and I have always been a Gator fan.

MB: What event do you hope to focus on in college?

EN: Cross Country and in track I hope to focus on the 5,000 and 10,000.

MB: What are you plans for this summer? Do you plan to extend your high school career a little longer and maybe head to Golden South or any other post-season races?

Favorite Band: Yellowcard
Favorite Food: Chinese
Favorite Book: Running With The Buffaloes

EN: No, I have decided that college is more important and am going to begin base training soon. I am heading out to Utah with Jeremy Criscione for a month to do some heavy training and I will be following coach Pigg's training schedule.

MB: Where in Utah will you be training?

EN: Logan-- One hour north of Salt Lake.

MB: I know you've attended Brevard Distance Camp a couple of times. Will you be making the trip up there again this summer?

EN: I am undecided. I applied to work as a counselor but I am unsure if I will be able to log enough miles so I may not attend.

MB: So, you just wrapped up your high school career last weekend. Is there one high school accomplishment that will stay with you forever?

EN: There are many accomplishments that will remain with me for the rest of my life. One that holds a great amount of significance was the state in cross country my senior year, I will never forget the feeling I got when I crossed the finish line.

MB: Alright-- That wraps up the interview. Thanks, man. Good luck to you at Florida and congratulations on this year's track season.

EN: Thanks-- I just want to thank my friend and former coach. He has changed my life forever. THANK YOU Coach I!