Ralph Epifanio was on-site at the 4A District 2 Championship and captured over 400 photos of all the action including this one of runner-up Sinclaire Johnson out of Lake Brantley and mom Claire. Can you see the resemblance? Check out this photo and all the others and make sure to tag yourself!
4A District 2 Featured Photo Album
Oct 24, 2015
Lake Mary's Urzua, Lyman's Jacques Are Best Of Best At 4A District 2
Oct 24, 2015
Lake Mary's Daniela Urzua and Lyman's Joshua Jacques were victorious at the 4A District 2 Championship while the Lyman boys and Lake Brantley girls captured team titles. Ralph Epifanio has the recap.
Ralph's Musings: 4A District 2 Championship
Oct 25, 2015
When things get serious, the serious get things done, and certainly that was the case with this race. With one eye on the competition, and the other on advancement, each athlete, and each team in turn, had a goal to extend their season at least one more week.