Watch as the Ponte Vedra girls and Gainesville boys win the team titles at the Ridgeview Bob Hans Invitational.
WATCH: Ponte Vedra Girls, Gainesville Boy Win Team Titles At Ridgeview Bob Hans Invitational
Aug 28, 2016
Photos Galore: 1,000+ From Ridgeview Bob Hans Invitational
Aug 28, 2016
Cedric Gillette was on-site at the Ridgeview Bob Hans Invitational and snapped over 1,000 photos of the races including the girl's varsity competition where Ponte Vedra's Claire Moritz brought back individual honors and led her team to the title as well.
Ridgeview Bob Hans Invitational Virtual Meet Preview
Aug 26, 2016
Action will be under way this weekend in Orange Park for the 20th annual Bob Hans Invitational hosted by Ridgeview High School. 22 teams will compete from all over Jacksonville and the north Florida area. Teams are excited to open the season of competition and see how they stack up.