Cape Coast Conference 2019

Melbourne, FL

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 142 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evetts, Trevor Cocoa Beach HS
Riley, Chase Melbourne HS
Thomas, Tristan Titusville HS
Maxik, Dylan West Shore HS
Pelikan, Liam Melbourne HS
Baker, Bryan Viera HS
Maragh, Linval Bayside HS
Sawyer, Troy Cocoa HS
Montague, Gabriel Satellite High School
Miller, Jacob Space Coast HS
Fredericks, Kaide Palm Bay HS
Locci, Gabriele Merritt Island HS
Hager, Phillip Rockledge HS
Day, Seth Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Clay, Austin Edgewood MS/HS
Moran, Ryan Cocoa Beach HS
Garcia, Cody Astronaut HS
Nelson, Joshua Titusville HS
Franklin , Cody Palm Bay HS
Wilder, Ethan West Shore HS
Jaudon, Alston Melbourne HS
Nguyen, Sean Eau Gallie HS
Foltyn, Kaesen Titusville HS
Naberhaus, Robbie Viera HS
Raia, Jake Bayside HS
Cheek, Brayden West Shore HS
Law, Dayton Satellite High School
Wall, Kurtis Bayside HS
Chapman, Logan Space Coast HS
Harvey, Austin Cocoa HS
Basford, Nathaniel Satellite High School
Santamaria Zamorano, Telmo Merritt Island HS
Whitaker, Cade Rockledge HS
Davis, Stephen Space Coast HS
Jackson, Avery Palm Bay HS
Paladino, Zach Merritt Island HS
Inocencio, Andrew Rockledge HS
Willis, Braden Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Joseph, Zubin Edgewood MS/HS
Serrato, Ignacio Edgewood MS/HS
Tabin, Carter Astronaut HS
Bonell, Caleb Cocoa Beach HS
Martingano, Jaiden Melbourne HS
O'Brien, Gavin Astronaut HS
Ocasio, Juan Titusville HS
Valverde, Bryce West Shore HS
Ge, Darwin Melbourne HS
Sosa, Lautaro Eau Gallie HS
Schiffer, Louis Viera HS
Romans, Joseph Bayside HS
Deckert, Robert Cocoa HS
Wilson, Justin Satellite High School
Singleton, Evan Space Coast HS
Gurney, Max Merritt Island HS
Chamberlain, Tommy Rockledge HS
Hill, Andrew Rockledge HS
Crawford, Bradley Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Townsend, Chris Edgewood MS/HS
Gilbertson, Wenn Cocoa Beach HS
Kryc, Daniel Astronaut HS
Jones, Riley Titusville HS
Gonzalez, Dexter Palm Bay HS
Cheatham, Kai Cocoa Beach HS
Emami, James Melbourne HS
Beale, Jonathan Eau Gallie HS
horvath, Jacob Titusville HS
Toppi, Michael Viera HS
Fisher, Kristopher Bayside HS
Oliver, Samuel West Shore HS
Kang, Thomas Bayside HS
Leffler, Michael Cocoa HS
O'Brien, Torin Satellite High School
Price, Josiah Rockledge HS
Solomon, Navarre Viera HS
Werring, Tristan Space Coast HS
Exum, David Palm Bay HS
Thompson, Evan Merritt Island HS
Sackenheim, Max Rockledge HS
Genna, Nolen Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Steinmetz, David Edgewood MS/HS
Kalra, Ian Cocoa Beach HS
Good, Gabriel Melbourne HS
DeVoss, Simon Astronaut HS
Phillips, Caleb Titusville HS
Delia, Adrian West Shore HS
White, Carson Melbourne HS
Padgett, Anthony Eau Gallie HS
Shenbaum, Michael Viera HS
Hixson, Tyler Bayside HS
Vento Camacho, Diego West Shore HS
Stern, Josh Satellite High School
Farley, Jackson Space Coast HS
Kraver, Josh Satellite High School
Dahl, Sean Merritt Island HS
Makousky, Devin Rockledge HS
Sorensen, Jake Merritt Island HS
McAlister, Kai Rockledge HS
Reinecke, Daniel Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Ussery, Adam Edgewood MS/HS
Winslett, Kylen Cocoa Beach HS
Bailey, Jackson Astronaut HS
Terry, Bryson Palm Bay HS
Sall, Colton Cocoa Beach HS
Heise, Ethan Melbourne HS
O'Bryan, Robbie Titusville HS
Ingalls, Joshua Viera HS
Lopez, Isaiah Bayside HS
Skaggs, Alexander West Shore HS
Karl, Coby Viera HS
Watkins, Andrew Bayside HS
Park, Maximus Cocoa HS
Steger, Colby Satellite High School
Rochette, Erick Space Coast HS
Magdaong, Juan Palm Bay HS
Hendricks, Lincoln Merritt Island HS
Shi, Steve Rockledge HS
Muncey, Adam Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Sardella, Ian Edgewood MS/HS
Smith, Ajani Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Tibbetts, Thomas Cocoa Beach HS
McHugh, Brandon Astronaut HS
Soriano, Francisco Titusville HS
Litchfield, Gavin West Shore HS
Bergstrom, Hunter Melbourne HS
McMullan, James Eau Gallie HS
Jones, Malachi Titusville HS
Raney, Cameron Viera HS
Watts, Casey Bayside HS
Ortiz, Elijah West Shore HS
Mason, Aidan Satellite High School
Slattery, Keani Space Coast HS
Heminger, Tyler Cocoa HS
Dickinson, Luke Satellite High School
White, Kameron Merritt Island HS
Calderon, Cristian Rockledge HS
Thomas, Ryan Merritt Island HS
Pratt, Bertram Rockledge HS
Crawford, Brandon Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Corley, Nathan Edgewood MS/HS
Cutkelvin, Marlon Astronaut HS
Davis, Travis Space Coast HS
Komat, Cameron Palm Bay HS
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 118 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bailly, Sophia West Shore HS
Lorraine, Madden Satellite High School
Benedix, Edina Eau Gallie HS
Lee, Brenda Viera HS
Stallbaum, Emma Merritt Island HS
White, Ginger Rockledge HS
Babilonia, Isabella Viera HS
Beaver, Brooke Bayside HS
Craig, Anna Satellite High School
Wyman, Sarah Space Coast HS
Nagata, Kaylee Merritt Island HS
Schwartz, Sierra Rockledge HS
Fournier, Ashlee Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Jaszczak, Riley Titusville HS
Watts, Jahn-na Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Angel, Maddison Edgewood MS/HS
Crean, Alexia Astronaut HS
Wiker, Yasmin Melbourne HS
Ogden, Sarah Cocoa Beach HS
Hogeland, Zoey West Shore HS
Eguez, Danitza Melbourne HS
Salter, Kelli Eau Gallie HS
Angell, Zoe Satellite High School
Paglia, Chelsea Viera HS
Johnston, Rebecca Bayside HS
Gibney, Payton Merritt Island HS
Banks , Shanai Rockledge HS
Farmer, Autumn Cocoa HS
Day, Cori Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Steinmetz, Elizabeth Edgewood MS/HS
Murrill, Paige Titusville HS
Horn, Marissa Cocoa Beach HS
Apotsos, Katelyn Melbourne HS
Oliver, Emily West Shore HS
Augustine, Kylie Eau Gallie HS
Lee, Shannon Viera HS
Lavrador, Julia Satellite High School
Watson-Bell, Allyson Rockledge HS
Fentress, Elena Viera HS
Starr, Rachel Bayside HS
Schaefer, Hannah Space Coast HS
Novac, Lily Merritt Island HS
Dawn, Kamari Rockledge HS
Mills, Alexis Astronaut HS
Iverson, Sarah Titusville HS
King, Aneesa Palm Bay HS
Huari, Karina Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Townsend, Haley Edgewood MS/HS
Yon, Shi-Lynn Melbourne HS
Zheng, Ivy West Shore HS
Bergstrom, Victoria Melbourne HS
Giuliani, Jordan Eau Gallie HS
Plahuta, Jonelle West Shore HS
Mckenzie, Maya Satellite High School
Hagee, Madison Viera HS
Meeks, Emilee Merritt Island HS
Minster, Abbey Rockledge HS
Happel, Breauna Cocoa HS
Orbell, Kelly Satellite High School
Slattery, Kyla Space Coast HS
Stenger, Trinity Merritt Island HS
Fournier, Kaylee Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Ebaugh-Santos, Isabella Titusville HS
Sands, Kalyn Edgewood MS/HS
Ricks, Marisa Cocoa Beach HS
Deal, Lauren Melbourne HS
Clark, Stacey Astronaut HS
Gibson, Astrid West Shore HS
Misch, Maddie Eau Gallie HS
Narveaz, Isabella Viera HS
Meyers, Caroline Satellite High School
Schwandt, Kira Rockledge HS
Contreras, Danielle Viera HS
McCalla, Amaris Bayside HS
Zalewski, Zoe Cocoa HS
Moore, Rachel Merritt Island HS
Joyce, Victoria Rockledge HS
Sumner, Sarah Astronaut HS
Moros, Audrey Titusville HS
Lima, Sophia Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Bills, Sophia Edgewood MS/HS
Puskar, Shruti West Shore HS
Pelikan, Devin Melbourne HS
Paquette, Amelia Eau Gallie HS
Castillo, Billie Titusville HS
Hannah, Kayla West Shore HS
Hibbard, Katie Satellite High School
Havel, Emma Eau Gallie HS
Shenbaum, Gaby Viera HS
Novac, Rubianna Merritt Island HS
Robinson, Kaylah Rockledge HS
Quattrocchi, Ava Cocoa HS
Kraver, Kaylee Satellite High School
Williams, Jayla Space Coast HS
Kohler, Emily Merritt Island HS
Darvas, Rosie Rockledge HS
Gracey, Elleysia Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Jaszczak, Paige Titusville HS
Garcia, Maria Edgewood MS/HS
Bennett, Grace Cocoa Beach HS
Votava, Aubree Melbourne HS
Row, Brenna Astronaut HS
Coyle, Shaye West Shore HS
Granholm, Kara Melbourne HS
Ayala, Keitlyn Eau Gallie HS
Wilson, Juliana Satellite High School
Svartstrom, Julia Viera HS
Feilinger, Sarah Bayside HS
Retig, Michelle Cocoa HS
Delena, Anna Merritt Island HS
Mcwilliams, Suzann Rockledge HS
Albro, Allison Astronaut HS
Reinecke, Elena Heritage HS - Palm Bay
Gividen, Veronique Edgewood MS/HS
Sullivan, Kiera Cocoa Beach HS
Hilmes, Ashley West Shore HS
Newton, Jessica Melbourne HS
Gilmore, Bailey Titusville HS
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