Panhandle Cross Country Challenge 2021

Panama City, FL

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 5000 Meter Run 209 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nolan, Eli Mosley HS
Morgan, Parker Chipley HS
Felder, Silas Bay HS
Knaepple, Taylor Destin High School
Hall, Will Paxton School
Boswell, Daniel Rocky Bayou Christian School
Peckham, Shawn Wakulla HS
McKim, Damen Destin High School
Montgomery, Alec South Walton HS
Avello, Isaac Wakulla HS
Gray, Davy Wewahitchka HS
Sposito, Josh Rocky Bayou Christian School
Murphy, Andrew Paxton School
Bendeck, Emil Wakulla HS
Walter, Nate Destin High School
Pippen, Damian Wewahitchka HS
Marshall, Gaines Paxton School
Herron, Jeremiah Rocky Bayou Christian School
Crow, Gregory Wakulla HS
Gates, Dustin Destin High School
Burgess, William South Walton HS
Peck, Isaac Wakulla HS
Land, Hunter Wewahitchka HS
Yang, Alex Rocky Bayou Christian School
Danner, Reid Paxton School
Giles, Trace Wakulla HS
Rogers, Brandon Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Sarinana, Nicolas Mosley HS
Martin, Finn Destin High School
Nelson, Dawson Paxton School
Gonzalez, Joel Rocky Bayou Christian School
Reeves, Landon Community Christian School (Tall
Nix, Andrew Wakulla HS
Kampenhout, Henry Destin High School
Patterson, Christen Bay HS
Marshall, Alex Wakulla HS
Archibald, Travis Wewahitchka HS
Fosshage, Dane Port St. Joe HS
Minton, Matthew South Walton HS
Bell, Kolar Destin High School
Peels, Tanner Paxton School
Langston, Jacob Wakulla HS
McCune, Cullen Rocky Bayou Christian School
Cole, Lane Wakulla HS
Tutton, Jonathan 16:05.00 Pensacola Christian Academy
Hollins, Kaleb 16:36.10 Choctawhatchee HS
Birx, Drew 16:38.12 Pensacola Christian Academy
Jetton, WIll 16:40.00 Niceville HS
Armbruster, William 16:45.60 Choctawhatchee HS
Nunley, Parker 16:46.00 Niceville HS
Gesch, Gehrig 17:01.00 Niceville HS
Hodge, Seamus 17:09.28 Niceville HS
Spooner, Zach 17:09.77 Matanzas HS
Kepran, Eddie 17:11.30 Arnold HS
Brainerd, Zachary 17:21.18 Choctawhatchee HS
Isbell, Dawson' 17:22.00 Niceville HS
Matson, Matthew 17:23.71 North Bay Haven
Breeze, Cooper 17:24.00 Niceville HS
Buena, Alexander 17:28.00 Niceville HS
Masterson, Ian 17:28.50 Niceville HS
Wirsing, Anthony 17:30.00 Niceville HS
Holbrook, Eli 17:33.50 Mosley HS
Kirspel, Jonah 17:33.60 South Walton HS
Sleeth, Micah 17:45.70 Pensacola Christian Academy
Lund, Erick 17:49.40 Pensacola Christian Academy
Hodge, Micah 17:52.20 Pensacola Christian Academy
Holmes, Nathan 17:56.50 North Bay Haven
Morrison, Jack 17:57.90 Niceville HS
England, Xavier 17:59.00 Florida High School
Peterson, Brett 17:59.20 Choctawhatchee HS
Reyes, Jonathan 18:02.70 Chipley HS
Berry, Jonah 18:02.70 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Smith, Hunter 18:03.49 Matanzas HS
Weede, Jaiden 18:03.65 South Walton HS
HATTEN, ANDREW 18:04.66 Matanzas HS
Tidwell, Keelan 18:08.00 Community Christian School (Tall
Beeson, James 18:08.20 Gulf Breeze HS
Wyse, Ashton 18:10.85 Gulf Breeze HS
Clark, David 18:12.60 Gulf Breeze HS
Garcia-Villa, Oscar 18:21.87 Gulf Breeze HS
Sheehan, Logan 18:25.40 South Walton HS
Kilpatrick, Logan 18:28.10 Wakulla HS
Evans, Adin 18:28.20 Wewahitchka HS
Dorsch, Jacob 18:31.40 Gulf Breeze HS
Ward, Henry 18:35.20 South Walton HS
Hicks, Parker 18:35.38 Port St. Joe HS
Smith, Zachary 18:36.60 Choctawhatchee HS
Hofman, Andrew 18:36.70 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Blue, Kelton 18:40.40 Arnold HS
Railton, Hudson 18:40.50 South Walton HS
Hoffman, Sean 18:41.60 Gulf Breeze HS
Hammonds, Rilly 18:41.90 Arnold HS
Lim, Ronen 18:53.90 Gulf Breeze HS
Hyatt, Nicholas 18:55.62 Matanzas HS
Pitts, Donnie 18:55.70 Wakulla HS
Yohe, Jaden 18:57.50 Pensacola Christian Academy
Stanley, Hunter 18:59.00 Florida High School
Kemp, William 18:59.16 Gulf Breeze HS
Irby, Robert 19:00.60 Gulf Breeze HS
Hershberger, Tucker 19:02.95 Pensacola Christian Academy
Callaghan, Jaden 19:09.30 Wakulla HS
Wiedeman, Joseph 19:11.60 Wakulla HS
Faint, Michael 19:12.83 North Bay Haven
Deluna, Joe 19:13.10 North Bay Haven
Sheppard, Andrew 19:15.00 Pensacola Christian Academy
Everett, Michael 19:17.60 Mosley HS
Meli, Luke 19:17.90 Community Christian School (Tall
Smith, Jaden 19:22.66 Matanzas HS
Forbes, Ricky 19:22.74 Port St. Joe HS
Wright, Dean 19:23.50 Florida High School
Recek, Caden 19:26.00 Florida High School
Poole, Evan 19:28.00 Florida High School
Litchfield, Dominic 19:29.24 Pensacola Christian Academy
Penley, Daniel 19:29.30 Pensacola Christian Academy
Sepe, Josh 19:32.84 Matanzas HS
Tychsen, Christopher 19:41.70 Community Christian School (Tall
drost, ethan 19:43.09 Matanzas HS
Worrell, Adam 19:43.27 Gulf Breeze HS
WINFREE, LOGAN 19:44.80 Matanzas HS
Chumney, Walker 19:50.00 Port St. Joe HS
Richardson, Logan 19:50.50 Wakulla HS
Meli, Bryan 19:52.80 Community Christian School (Tall
Rich, David 19:57.10 Wewahitchka HS
Dunn, Russel 19:58.62 Port St. Joe HS
Smith, Carson 19:58.70 North Bay Haven
Norfolk, Christian 20:03.40 Matanzas HS
Williams, Jaicob 20:04.52 Choctawhatchee HS
Monteiro, Davis 20:05.80 Arnold HS
Garcia, Tyler 20:06.70 Gulf Breeze HS
Donoso, Jeremiah 20:08.55 Matanzas HS
Kling, Daniel 20:10.34 North Bay Haven
Kehayov, Martin 20:13.55 Arnold HS
Conn, Landon 20:16.00 Arnold HS
Pollack, Elijah 20:19.90 Mosley HS
Taylor, Jacob 20:21.50 North Bay Haven
Davis, Dylan 20:27.81 Port St. Joe HS
Carroll, Bradack 20:28.70 Choctawhatchee HS
Leeman, Ethan 20:31.00 Community Christian School (Tall
Henderson, Andrew 20:34.70 Gulf Breeze HS
Wade, John 20:38.20 North Bay Haven
Nichols, Maddox 20:44.88 North Bay Haven
Holmes, Charlie 20:46.16 North Bay Haven
Gonzalez, Maddox 20:46.60 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Marshall, Gates 20:47.20 Choctawhatchee HS
Little, Aidan 20:49.90 Mosley HS
Wilson, Charles 21:09.90 Community Christian School (Tall
Rook, Caleb 21:10.80 Arnold HS
Mosley, Jonas 21:14.70 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Narramore, Elias 21:23.10 Gulf Breeze HS
Reeves, Benjamin 21:24.00 Community Christian School (Tall
Williams, Callaghan 21:24.10 Gulf Breeze HS
Nelson, Colin 21:26.60 Gulf Breeze HS
Cullen, John 21:33.35 Port St. Joe HS
Paone, Michael 21:34.50 Choctawhatchee HS
Timmerman, Wyatt 21:40.14 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
King, Carson 21:53.90 Arnold HS
Cole, Sebastian 21:55.10 Wakulla HS
Love, Tyler 21:58.00 Florida High School
Wilson, Jeffery 22:00.50 Paxton School
Olds, Eric 22:00.80 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Roberts, Conner 22:01.82 Wewahitchka HS
Hill, David 22:05.80 Arnold HS
Harp, Gibson 22:07.00 Florida High School
Bouck, Joshua 22:21.00 Community Christian School (Tall
Lee, Jason 22:26.60 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
McCune, Calix 22:28.20 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Cumbaa, Ethan 22:32.70 Mosley HS
Tatum, Christian 22:33.40 Arnold HS
Zeller, Jayden 22:36.80 Arnold HS
Lipford, Nathan 22:40.36 Port St. Joe HS
Collier, Jeremy 22:46.00 Community Christian School (Tall
Sanlor , Jacob 22:49.95 Mosley HS
Cooper, Bryan 23:00.76 Chipley HS
White, Britt 23:11.60 Port St. Joe HS
Garcia, Diego 23:23.80 Florida High School
Hernandes, Amiel 23:31.00 Florida High School
Hutt, Yoshi 23:33.40 Florida High School
Peters, Elijah 23:35.70 Paxton School
Magee, Devonte 23:43.30 Choctawhatchee HS
Rhea, Justin 24:07.40 Mosley HS
Smiley, Lawson 24:08.29 Port St. Joe HS
Touchston, Jackson 24:10.03 Port St. Joe HS
Santos Chica, Christian 24:11.76 Choctawhatchee HS
Ransdell, Sid 24:14.70 Florida High School
Grasso, Aiden 24:46.39 Florida High School
Hilderbrand, Christian 25:57.90 Chipley HS
Parrish, Aaron 26:05.90 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Caldwell, Nathan 26:49.50 Arnold HS
Lent, Turner 26:52.80 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Dysh, Isaac 27:02.41 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Dawson, Jeremiah 27:08.40 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Bennefiels, Ryhs 27:53.15 Port St. Joe HS
Coreil, Landon 28:03.10 Arnold HS
Evans, Eli 28:06.50 Wewahitchka HS
Riccardi, Cayden 28:09.30 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Cook, Casey 28:19.00 Arnold HS
Sims, Larry 28:34.20 Wewahitchka HS
Walsingham, Gabriel 29:28.40 Mosley HS
Angelastri, Cameron 30:41.00 Arnold HS
Miller, Josiah 30:56.30 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Montague, Remi 31:15.70 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Wilson, Colton 31:36.00 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Williams, Taylor 32:39.63 Port St. Joe HS
Johnson, Christian 32:53.94 Wewahitchka HS
Youngs, Evan 33:12.70 Wewahitchka HS
Archibald, Jared 33:35.10 Wewahitchka HS
Chapman, Elijah 34:07.00 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Davis, Avery 35:14.54 Wewahitchka HS
Parrish, Carson 36:45.00 Rocky Bayou Christian School
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High School Girls 5000 Meter Run 196 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fajardo, Megan Destin High School
Caravello, Cali South Walton HS
Martin, Clara Paxton School
Laughton, Isabella Wakulla HS
Nutt, Brianna Rocky Bayou Christian School
Griner, Claire South Walton HS
Tucker, Alyssia Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Wright, Madeline Florida High School
Fajardo, Maren Destin High School
Melberg, Annabelle South Walton HS
Hawkins, Lana Wakulla HS
Gant, Madison Wewahitchka HS
Nutt, Hailey Rocky Bayou Christian School
Hall, Wren South Walton HS
Bryan, Patoni South Walton HS
Armonian, Pearl Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Ferrell, Analecia Wakulla HS
Boyles, Madelyn Rocky Bayou Christian School
Aulestia, Stephanie South Walton HS
Peele, Vivian South Walton HS
york, gracie Paxton School
Stapleton, Keely Wakulla HS
sims, Ellina Wewahitchka HS
Knight, Breauna Mosley HS
Taylor, Maci Rocky Bayou Christian School
Buchanan, Hannah South Walton HS
Provencher, Beatrice Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Lewis, Danielle Wakulla HS
Denney, Eva Rocky Bayou Christian School
Wilson, Zoey South Walton HS
Fernander, Chloe 18:44.30 Choctawhatchee HS
Bottino, Deanna 18:46.77 Choctawhatchee HS
Olivarez, Kaylin 19:28.00 Niceville HS
Tutton, RaeAnne 19:38.04 Pensacola Christian Academy
Tutton, Jaimee 19:38.32 Pensacola Christian Academy
Coleman, Niya 19:43.00 Florida High School
Elizondo, Charleen 20:03.00 North Bay Haven
Smith, Reagan 20:11.00 Pensacola Christian Academy
Kilgore, Brylie 20:12.41 Choctawhatchee HS
Faint, Kyla 20:22.03 North Bay Haven
Tychsen, Sarah 20:28.15 Community Christian School (Tall
Cooper, Lauryn 20:28.60 Niceville HS
Wilson, Morgan 20:33.40 Community Christian School (Tall
Lewis, Liliana 20:35.20 Wakulla HS
Kilgore, Dannika 20:37.73 Choctawhatchee HS
Bobek, Erika 20:37.90 Niceville HS
Scali, Heidi 20:38.75 South Walton HS
Alford, Clara 20:39.80 Wakulla HS
Knowlton, Reece 20:40.30 South Walton HS
Carmichael, Lakyn 20:41.30 North Bay Haven
Roberts, Lexi 20:42.33 Niceville HS
Holland, Trinity 20:44.34 Niceville HS
Williamson, Elisa 20:45.50 Gulf Breeze HS
Johnston, Riley 20:47.00 Niceville HS
McMahon, Kate 20:48.68 Niceville HS
Hough, Campbell 20:52.37 Niceville HS
Holtery, Hailey 21:03.80 Niceville HS
Lucero, Dafne 21:06.50 South Walton HS
Goodwin, Ella 21:14.76 Gulf Breeze HS
Bouck, Katherine 21:19.51 Community Christian School (Tall
Whitsell, Marina 21:24.80 Wakulla HS
Jacobi, Savannah 21:33.17 Gulf Breeze HS
Keller, Leah 21:36.00 Florida High School
Marshall, Lauren 21:37.26 Matanzas HS
Boyle, Hayley 21:45.90 Choctawhatchee HS
Penley, Caitlyn 21:46.30 Pensacola Christian Academy
Mancuso, Isabella 21:47.70 Gulf Breeze HS
Peterlevitz, Sofia 21:49.35 Pensacola Christian Academy
Gortermoller, Madelyn 21:49.81 Port St. Joe HS
Granse, Ashley 21:50.40 Gulf Breeze HS
Lacour, Emily 21:56.76 Port St. Joe HS
Boutwell, Leah 21:57.00 Florida High School
Franklin, Mallory 21:58.96 North Bay Haven
Gunter, Ryleigh 22:00.00 Florida High School
Roca, Veronica 22:00.68 Niceville HS
Bunting, Peyton 22:03.20 Gulf Breeze HS
Lundgren, Katherine 22:07.50 North Bay Haven
Costello, Sarah Kate 22:10.13 Community Christian School (Tall
Meli, Teresa 22:16.20 Community Christian School (Tall
Kelley, Emilia 22:20.90 Arnold HS
WODCHIS, SOPHYA 22:24.71 Matanzas HS
Irizarry, Dahlia 22:25.60 Choctawhatchee HS
Hitpas, Ann 22:27.70 Gulf Breeze HS
Levingston, Keri 22:34.90 Wakulla HS
Eby, Jocelyn 22:36.30 South Walton HS
Pfeifer, Taylor 22:39.00 Wakulla HS
Bilderback, Jersey 22:46.90 Paxton School
Miller, Chloe 22:52.10 Arnold HS
Reynolds, Eliana 22:56.20 Pensacola Christian Academy
Okelley, Leyah 23:08.38 Port St. Joe HS
Johnson, Riza 23:12.90 Community Christian School (Tall
Bennin, Alyssa 23:14.50 Choctawhatchee HS
Crews, Morgan 23:17.80 Community Christian School (Tall
Dodd, Jordyn 23:19.08 North Bay Haven
Brewton, Catherine 23:20.70 Gulf Breeze HS
Powell, Amaija 23:20.70 Gulf Breeze HS
Gerlach, R.J 23:23.74 Port St. Joe HS
May, Kacie 23:26.40 Gulf Breeze HS
Musca, Cassandra 23:27.10 Gulf Breeze HS
Meester, Kaileen 23:29.90 Pensacola Christian Academy
Hix, Brianna 23:30.33 Arnold HS
Turner, Elizabeth 23:30.44 South Walton HS
Boyer, Allison 23:31.20 Mosley HS
Johnson, Jayln 23:33.52 Pensacola Christian Academy
Paone, Giavanna 23:36.50 Choctawhatchee HS
Payne, Madison 23:36.52 Community Christian School (Tall
Howard, Sierra 23:39.12 Matanzas HS
Bouington, Kristen 23:40.30 Port St. Joe HS
Rodriquez, Nina 23:41.79 Matanzas HS
Reid, Saje 23:42.82 Pensacola Christian Academy
DaCosta, Hannah 23:43.32 Port St. Joe HS
Wilson, Madeleine 23:43.53 North Bay Haven
Grabner, Gretyl 23:45.10 Bay HS
Eberhard, Emily 23:47.00 Bay HS
Irby, Nicole 23:54.60 Gulf Breeze HS
Byrd, Madeleine 24:04.52 Florida High School
Fountain, Lexis 24:05.16 Port St. Joe HS
Speigner, Ashlyn 24:06.21 Wakulla HS
Ingham, Amber 24:10.20 Gulf Breeze HS
Lim, Asia 24:15.40 Gulf Breeze HS
Trochessett, Katie 24:23.40 Port St. Joe HS
Silva, Shay 24:24.50 Choctawhatchee HS
Spear, Ashley 24:26.80 Gulf Breeze HS
Butts, Ragan 24:29.47 Paxton School
Bage, Lauren 24:32.30 Choctawhatchee HS
Cline, Laura 24:33.30 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Jones, Ayriel 24:33.60 Bay HS
Vos, Miyuki 24:47.00 Florida High School
Francis, Trinity 24:52.00 Florida High School
Heffren, Trista 24:52.50 Wakulla HS
Cooper, Alyssa 24:54.83 Choctawhatchee HS
Phillips, Maria 25:23.04 Matanzas HS
Syfrett, Sydney 25:24.50 Bay HS
Schweikert, Kaylee 25:27.50 Port St. Joe HS
Nichols, Madelynn 25:30.22 North Bay Haven
HULSEY, CHEYENNE 25:38.90 Matanzas HS
Carraway, Madison 25:40.70 Paxton School
Fitzgerald, Olivia 25:45.30 Mosley HS
Stone, Ivana 25:50.00 Pensacola Christian Academy
Harshbarger, Allie 26:06.38 North Bay Haven
McCoy, Karajah 26:07.51 Matanzas HS
Gleichner, Arlena 26:11.20 Port St. Joe HS
Book, Riley 26:28.20 Wewahitchka HS
Flores, Kennedy 26:29.60 Arnold HS
Patalinghung, Maya 26:32.50 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Snow, Elizabeth 26:39.80 North Bay Haven
Luong, Hanh 26:48.80 Mosley HS
Brown, Cami 26:50.80 Chipley HS
Waggoner, Kami 26:52.40 Mosley HS
Lunsford, Cera 26:52.60 Rocky Bayou Christian School
Burch, Lilly 26:56.00 Arnold HS
Hildebrand, kaitlyn 26:58.85 Chipley HS
Washington, Alexis 27:03.40 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Tankersley, Catalina 27:07.30 Chipley HS
Carrier, Emily 27:28.14 Mosley HS
shoaf, madelyn 27:30.33 Port St. Joe HS
Ceydeli, Isabel 27:30.79 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Spring, Farrah 27:37.27 Port St. Joe HS
Smith, Samantha 27:40.10 Bay HS
Archibald, Allie 27:56.70 Wewahitchka HS
Weston, Haley 28:09.90 Wewahitchka HS
Dimitrijerich, Ella 28:22.78 Port St. Joe HS
Olds, Dava 28:27.30 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Hatcher, Ella Grace 28:28.30 Arnold HS
Raffield, Jasylyn 28:28.80 Port St. Joe HS
Butler, Maelynn 28:40.27 Port St. Joe HS
LeBlanc, Emily 28:40.70 Wakulla HS
Kelley, Danica 28:45.19 Port St. Joe HS
Leebrick, Rebekah 28:48.00 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Shuler, Carmen 28:52.70 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Hatchell, Claire 29:11.78 Port St. Joe HS
McCall, Elle 29:11.80 Arnold HS
Erickson, Megan 29:24.50 Mosley HS
LETTELLEIR, KAITLYN 29:36.90 Choctawhatchee HS
Tabaa, Jena 29:41.70 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Barber, Addie 30:03.67 Port St. Joe HS
Torres, Charlee 30:05.38 Bay HS
Olds, Necia 30:15.40 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
McAllister, Lauren 30:16.10 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Kemp, Katelyn 30:23.70 Wewahitchka HS
Wynkoop, Abigail 30:29.78 Mosley HS
Adderson, Amaya 30:49.00 Florida High School
White, Celie 30:49.34 Port St. Joe HS
Hammack, Oliva 30:55.50 Mosley HS
Holley, Audrey 31:16.20 Chipley HS
Coon, Gabriella 31:19.79 Paxton School
Czubaj, Sierra 31:25.32 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Matthews, Kensley 31:29.89 Port St. Joe HS
Nadeau, Emerson 32:03.50 Arnold HS
Dunn, Beth 32:52.70 Port St. Joe HS
Czubaj, Arianna 32:53.80 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
June, Vanessa 33:51.00 Wakulla HS
Brightbill, Amy 33:53.95 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Price, Jasmine 36:07.28 Choctawhatchee HS
Castro, Rosalinda 36:46.30 Mosley HS
Alcivar, Iyana 39:17.80 Choctawhatchee HS
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Open Mixed 5,000 Meter Run 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carmon, James North Bay Haven
Hunter, Noah 17:38.13 Niceville HS
Siren, Tobias 17:52.50 Niceville HS
Hird, Jadyn 18:23.65 Niceville HS
Krumnow, Hunter 18:55.69 Niceville HS
Hamman, Jackson 18:57.00 Niceville HS
Bruce, Glenn 19:10.22 Niceville HS
Kincaid, Liam 19:19.80 Niceville HS
Burke, Nelson 19:22.75 Niceville HS
Higgs, Talon 19:33.30 Niceville HS
Powell, Caden 19:40.14 Niceville HS
Case, Troy 19:58.10 Niceville HS
Brust, Mark 20:39.20 North Bay Haven
Bobek, Ainslee 20:41.00 Niceville HS
Cone, Caleb 20:43.94 Pensacola Christian Academy
Cunningham, Scott 20:51.78 Niceville HS
Fears, Jed 21:05.36 Pensacola Christian Academy
Tucker, Lily 21:40.10 Niceville HS
Pugh, Conner 21:40.60 Niceville HS
Chappell, Jessica 21:47.61 Pensacola Christian Academy
Goncalves, Walter 21:54.70 Pensacola Christian Academy
Madrigal, Nia 22:00.72 Niceville HS
Fontejon, Jaren 22:06.90 Niceville HS
Baldwain, CJ 22:06.98 North Bay Haven
Hickey, Grace 22:10.90 Niceville HS
Kester, Mikel 22:33.48 Pensacola Christian Academy
McMahon, Elizabeth 22:55.96 Niceville HS
Navarre, Mia 22:59.30 Niceville HS
Castro, Omar 22:59.40 North Bay Haven
Killets, Canyon 23:33.35 North Bay Haven
Ohman, Carson 23:43.90 Pensacola Christian Academy
Gustin, Tyler 23:44.64 Pensacola Christian Academy
Sexton, William 23:52.09 North Bay Haven
Stewart, Hudson 23:57.74 Pensacola Christian Academy
Ainsworth, Ethan 24:01.11 Pensacola Christian Academy
Wurst, Sophia 24:11.70 Niceville HS
Rosales, Luke 24:21.39 Pensacola Christian Academy
Berte, Adeline 24:38.10 Niceville HS
Lundgren, William 24:47.13 North Bay Haven
Peterlevitz, Moses 25:05.94 Pensacola Christian Academy
Shimmin, Gabriel 25:11.95 Pensacola Christian Academy
Aldana, Sophia 25:47.25 Niceville HS
Colfer, Callie 25:55.00 Niceville HS
Owens, Sebastion 26:07.20 North Bay Haven
Matthiesen, Jubei 26:08.63 Niceville HS
Litchfield, Lianna 26:12.33 Pensacola Christian Academy
McGinnis, Nevaeh 26:18.98 Niceville HS
Burdick, Isaiah 26:23.70 Pensacola Christian Academy
Thompson, Joanna 26:31.20 North Bay Haven
Sutter, Lindsay 26:34.20 Niceville HS
Ferrell, Jaden 26:40.25 North Bay Haven
Shimmin, Logan 26:42.00 Pensacola Christian Academy
Shimmin, Elaina 26:58.87 Pensacola Christian Academy
Losier, Sophia 27:17.67 Pensacola Christian Academy
Glushko, Bella 27:18.03 Pensacola Christian Academy
Penley, Anna 27:30.02 Pensacola Christian Academy
Carinhas, Thomas 28:05.23 North Bay Haven
Bogan, Kennedy 28:59.43 Niceville HS
Hermetz, Carlee 30:03.63 Pensacola Christian Academy
Meester, Kara 30:36.74 Pensacola Christian Academy
Bailey, Kaitlyn 35:39.79 Pensacola Christian Academy
Hornsby, Daniella 36:43.79 Pensacola Christian Academy
Hansen, Jessica 37:02.54 Pensacola Christian Academy
Walker, Jordan 37:16.70 North Bay Haven
Hayes, Isabell 39:38.95 Niceville HS
Honn, Kaitlyn 42:31.00 Community Christian School (Tall
Culver, Hannah 43:49.60 Community Christian School (Tall
Thompson, Meskerem 47:55.30 North Bay Haven
Ferrell, Journee 49:51.40 North Bay Haven
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