Larry Wooten Invitational 2023

Miami, FL

Larry Wooten Invitational 2023 vs Larry Wooten Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +311 604 293
Overall Average +13.29 25:30.84 25:17.55
1st-10th Place -42.97 17:37.15 18:20.12
1st-25th Place -46.67 18:10.82 18:57.49
1st-50th Place -53.96 18:44.86 19:38.82
1st-100th Place -1:19.35 19:34.90 20:54.25
Common Athletes -- -- 96
Ran Faster 24 60 36
Ran Season Best -6 2 8
Average Time -33.01 24:45.19 25:18.20
Median Time -6.70 25:15.14 25:21.84
Middle 80% Times -37.48 24:42.93 25:20.41
Top 10% Times -49.41 18:12.10 19:01.52
Top 25% Times -45.11 19:09.99 19:55.10
Top 50% Times -42.23 21:07.54 21:49.77
Bottom 50% Times -23.79 28:22.85 28:46.64
Bottom 25% Times -16.01 30:07.52 30:23.52
Bottom 10% Times +18.52 32:08.69 31:50.17
Average Difference -33.01 -- --
Median Difference -1:49.42 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -35.40 -- --
Top 10% Difference -38.24 -- --
Top 50% Difference -32.90 -- --
Top 25% Difference -39.87 -- --
Top 50% Difference -32.90 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -33.12 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -17.24 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -28.48 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Emmanuel Roca Immaculata-LaSalle HS -2:19.46 17:07.05 19:26.51
Robert Luiz Garcia MAST Academy (Maritime And Science Tech.) -2:01.23 17:23.37 19:24.60
Gabriel Carr Miami Sunset HS -40.02 17:31.87 18:11.89
Alvin Sanchez-Heft Miami Coral Park HS -1:19.88 18:11.85 19:31.73
Jose Cruz John A. Ferguson HS +38.03 18:51.92 18:13.89
Jared Matos Keys Gate Charter HS -1:33.44 18:23.64 19:57.08
Carlos Coronado Keys Gate Charter HS -55.58 18:27.78 19:23.36
Mitchell Gonzalez Pinecrest Prep -1:37.67 18:35.88 20:13.55
Steven Aguilera Miami Sunset HS -1:56.99 18:39.29 20:36.28
Jeronimo Virgil MAST Academy (Maritime And Science Tech.) -2.39 18:48.37 18:50.76
Daniel Brito Immaculata-LaSalle HS +42.30 19:36.75 18:54.45
DHIREN SINGH Miami Palmetto HS +12.74 19:10.43 18:57.69
Anthony Porter Coral Reef HS -36.93 18:58.39 19:35.32
Erick Morales Keys Gate Charter HS +38.53 19:58.81 19:20.28
Felipe GOMEZ Miami Sunset HS -31.71 19:37.83 20:09.54
Maximilian Beyer Miami Palmetto HS -2:01.70 19:40.96 21:42.66
Nassyr Gomez Miami Coral Park HS -23.30 19:41.21 20:04.51
Harry Homick Miami Sunset HS -1:06.67 19:44.28 20:50.95
Hunter Smith Sheridan Hills Christian +1:03.34 20:48.22 19:44.88
John Fredrickson Keys Gate Charter HS -2:16.15 19:54.78 22:10.93
David Taroco Sheridan Hills Christian -23.99 20:01.07 20:25.06
Santiago Ospina Sheridan Hills Christian -2:45.33 20:04.77 22:50.10
Dylan Rojas TERRA Environmental Research Institute -54.35 20:13.75 21:08.10
Lucas Pena G. Holmes Braddock HS -1:13.00 20:27.60 21:40.60
Nicholas Johns Sheridan Hills Christian +1:10.84 21:44.22 20:33.38
Tyler Villamor Southwest Miami HS +23.30 21:37.09 21:13.79
Dylan Gelinas TERRA Environmental Research Institute +3.09 21:37.34 21:34.25
Donald Curry Coral Reef HS -6:10.62 21:39.50 27:50.12
La'Darius Jones Miami Palmetto HS -6.58 21:42.44 21:49.02
Simon Perez TERRA Environmental Research Institute +4.08 21:50.74 21:46.66
Giancarlo Missagia Immaculata-LaSalle HS -1:03.61 21:49.14 22:52.75
Abbigail Laine TERRA Environmental Research Institute -55.44 21:58.06 22:53.50
Adrian Vera JC Bermudez Doral HS -2:35.01 22:11.58 24:46.59
Daliany Negron Miami Sunset HS -1:36.88 22:18.89 23:55.77
Daniel Lang TERRA Environmental Research Institute +25.68 22:45.91 22:20.23
Joshua STANLEY Keys Gate Charter HS +2:02.88 24:30.39 22:27.51
Ricardo Pereira Academy for Innovative Education (AIE) -6:18.65 22:51.11 29:09.76
alexis Bertot TERRA Environmental Research Institute +30.38 23:24.35 22:53.97
Andy Leiva Keys Gate Charter HS -3:39.21 23:02.83 26:42.04
Anthony Rodriguez JC Bermudez Doral HS -33.54 23:09.33 23:42.87
Ashley Merein Miami Coral Park HS -2:48.82 23:23.22 26:12.04
Gianny Hernandez Miami Coral Park HS -4.59 24:04.51 24:09.10
Arianna Armas Immaculata-LaSalle HS -59.62 24:06.70 25:06.32
Penelope Heller Miami Beach HS -12.86 24:16.11 24:28.97
Olivia Pedronzo MAST Academy (Maritime And Science Tech.) +4:55.98 29:18.28 24:22.30
Paz Olivero MAST Academy (Maritime And Science Tech.) -4.63 24:30.82 24:35.45
Matthew Cano G. Holmes Braddock HS +1:01.16 25:43.95 24:42.79
Samantha Foreman Coral Reef HS -1:49.42 25:02.86 26:52.28
Matthew Florenzano TERRA Environmental Research Institute +2:14.39 27:21.06 25:06.67
Silvia Lamas TERRA Environmental Research Institute +1:22.02 26:32.71 25:10.69
Allison Roca TERRA Environmental Research Institute -2:05.42 25:10.98 27:16.40
Valentina Tomateo Our Lady of Lourdes Academy (Miami) +1:16.28 26:27.82 25:11.54
Ian Reilly Keys Gate Charter HS -3:32.90 25:13.78 28:46.68
Shanericka Martin Homestead HS -2:32.96 25:15.14 27:48.10
Sabrina Negron TERRA Environmental Research Institute +1:35.52 26:53.89 25:18.37
Alexandra Mendez Keys Gate Charter HS +0.13 25:21.71 25:21.58
Juliette Egea Immaculata-LaSalle HS +1:26.39 26:48.23 25:21.84
Kalyn Johnson Keys Gate Charter HS -2:46.58 25:29.41 28:15.99
Ruben Rivera Keys Gate Charter HS -3:19.55 25:39.45 28:59.00
Isabella Estrada Immaculata-LaSalle HS +2:45.32 28:30.02 25:44.70
Hailey Zarza G. Holmes Braddock HS +2:13.26 28:02.38 25:49.12
Emely Bravo MAST Academy (Maritime And Science Tech.) -1:39.69 25:49.90 27:29.59
Vicente Del Cid Coral Reef HS +2:54.21 29:11.25 26:17.04
Liam Moore Miami Coral Park HS -2:17.99 26:20.61 28:38.60
Analese Viruet Keys Gate Charter HS -29.90 26:27.52 26:57.42
Madeline Caban Immaculata-LaSalle HS +49.62 27:21.80 26:32.18
Amanda Abreu Doral Academy Charter HS +2:21.97 29:00.81 26:38.84
Alexa Abad Keys Gate Charter HS -4:01.01 26:38.86 30:39.87
Desiree Walker Keys Gate Charter HS -2:14.53 26:46.56 29:01.09
Robyn Hernandez Academy for Innovative Education (AIE) -4:19.22 26:58.84 31:18.06
Gabriel Benitez Pinecrest Prep +24.07 27:24.76 27:00.69
Stephany Anacona Felix Varela HS -1:27.63 27:04.14 28:31.77
Aaliyah Ahmed TERRA Environmental Research Institute -6.24 27:09.93 27:16.17
Caroline Toole Coral Reef HS -3:43.76 27:12.11 30:55.87
Isabella Onoz Our Lady of Lourdes Academy (Miami) +3:00.93 30:14.57 27:13.64
Natalie Brito Coral Reef HS -23.33 27:25.42 27:48.75
Lucia Herran Our Lady of Lourdes Academy (Miami) -59.99 27:28.28 28:28.27
Samantha Ayerdis Academy for Innovative Education (AIE) -4:09.98 27:34.40 31:44.38
Elena Beck Coral Reef HS -12.68 27:44.33 27:57.01
ALEXA GAROFALO Academy for Innovative Education (AIE) +33.20 28:20.56 27:47.36
Jacob Williams Mater Academy Bay -14.89 27:48.10 28:02.99
Keara Martinez Keys Gate Charter HS -2:43.47 27:56.94 30:40.41
Sage Zayas Sheridan Hills Christian -1:40.02 28:17.98 29:58.00
Michelle Marin Downtown Doral Charter Upper School +4:38.72 33:18.91 28:40.19
Sabrina Herrera Miami Coral Park HS -2:36.33 28:42.89 31:19.22
Emily Gonzalez Academy for Innovative Education (AIE) -1.30 28:54.01 28:55.31
Savannah Pertierra MAST Academy (Maritime And Science Tech.) +4:04.15 33:09.11 29:04.96
Fernanda Mateos Keys Gate Charter HS +1:25.56 30:31.47 29:05.91
Zoey Philon Coral Reef HS +15.16 29:46.47 29:31.31
Rylee Zell Sheridan Hills Christian -12.63 29:59.48 30:12.11
Natalie Martin Miami Coral Park HS +7.54 30:27.59 30:20.05
Ailani Coronado Keys Gate Charter HS -0.08 30:41.22 30:41.30
Astra Stanley Keys Gate Charter HS +59.19 33:03.56 32:04.37
Sofia Guiffreda MAST Academy (Maritime And Science Tech.) +1:12.01 33:39.88 32:27.87
Daniela De La Rua Pinecrest Prep +28.93 33:22.11 32:53.18
Alejandro Mejia JC Bermudez Doral HS -1:18.54 32:58.46 34:17.00