Green Devil Invite 2024

St. Petersburg, FL

Green Devil Invite 2024 vs Green Devil Invite 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +22 359 337
Overall Average +47.58 26:14.37 25:26.79
1st-10th Place +2.90 16:58.34 16:55.44
1st-25th Place +1.28 17:43.10 17:41.81
1st-50th Place +0.61 18:40.15 18:39.54
1st-100th Place +8.60 20:03.92 19:55.31
Common Athletes -- -- 138
Ran Faster 20 79 59
Ran Season Best 12 24 12
Average Time -30.34 24:21.91 24:52.25
Median Time -3.41 24:12.20 24:15.61
Middle 80% Times -25.42 24:09.54 24:34.97
Top 10% Times -23.62 17:43.92 18:07.54
Top 25% Times -32.11 19:00.95 19:33.06
Top 50% Times -27.94 20:37.74 21:05.68
Bottom 50% Times -32.73 28:06.08 28:38.81
Bottom 25% Times -41.83 30:34.28 31:16.11
Bottom 10% Times -1:16.99 33:05.17 34:22.16
Average Difference -30.34 -- --
Median Difference -5:58.29 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -23.30 -- --
Top 10% Difference -16.71 -- --
Top 50% Difference -22.12 -- --
Top 25% Difference -25.59 -- --
Top 50% Difference -22.12 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -38.56 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -31.21 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:44.45 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Derek Robinson Lakewood Ranch HS -15.22 16:21.50 16:36.72
Brody Waltz Palm Harbor University HS -1:01.45 16:36.90 17:38.35
Vayle Johnson Lakewood Ranch HS -47.55 17:12.10 17:59.65
Abner NEUMANN St. Petersburg HS -38.29 17:25.40 18:03.69
Reyna Trejo-Cerroblanco Countryside HS +38.56 18:05.20 17:26.64
Walker Hall Admiral Farragut Academy -1:04.35 17:30.30 18:34.65
Vicente RIVERA Lakewood Ranch HS -9.11 17:41.90 17:51.01
Dylan Johnson Lakewood Ranch HS +11.41 17:58.20 17:46.79
Matthew Hood Palm Harbor University HS -3:08.14 17:46.90 20:55.04
Sean Feller Northeast HS (St. Petersburg) -36.93 17:59.20 18:36.13
Josh Warren Palm Harbor University HS +1:00.64 19:05.00 18:04.36
Caedmon Higgins St. Petersburg HS +17.39 18:22.70 18:05.31
Mark Keleny Palm Harbor University HS -57.95 18:21.60 19:19.55
Asher Walton Shorecrest Prep -20.44 18:23.70 18:44.14
Caleb Voigt Palm Harbor University HS -2:50.09 18:29.30 21:19.39
Conor Kiley Admiral Farragut Academy -59.67 18:29.30 19:28.97
Michael Wagner Lakewood Ranch HS -54.17 18:44.70 19:38.87
Kenneth Destefano Lakewood Ranch HS -10.64 18:47.90 18:58.54
Jacob Gomez Lakewood Ranch HS -1:47.15 18:56.50 20:43.65
Adam Rau Northeast HS (St. Petersburg) -5:58.29 18:58.70 24:56.99
Colton Prater Lakewood Ranch HS -35.81 19:21.40 19:57.21
Jack Helms Boca Ciega HS +32.73 20:03.10 19:30.37
Zachariah Kersey Lakewood Ranch HS +11.63 19:51.90 19:40.27
Koen Rittenhouse Countryside HS -2:05.21 19:41.20 21:46.41
Ari Pope St. Petersburg HS +1:10.85 21:01.50 19:50.65
Joseph Barr Lakewood Ranch HS +1:25.41 21:21.80 19:56.39
Landon Zomermaand Keswick Christian -9.88 19:57.70 20:07.58
Finnegan Cox St. Petersburg HS +16.84 20:15.90 19:59.06
Aiden Mosall St. Petersburg HS -2:56.49 20:10.00 23:06.49
Luca Sandschafer Shorecrest Prep +4.77 20:15.40 20:10.63
Chase Pierce Northside Christian -29.72 20:15.30 20:45.02
William Kent Palm Harbor University HS +11.92 20:33.20 20:21.28
Ryan Wright Palm Harbor University HS -1:05.36 20:32.30 21:37.66
Tanner Lively St. Petersburg HS -2:51.03 20:35.80 23:26.83
Joseph Meyers Largo HS -1:03.59 20:50.90 21:54.49
Anthony Vercamen Palm Harbor University HS -1:10.61 20:54.70 22:05.31
Isaac Kreger St. Petersburg Catholic -51.14 20:57.40 21:48.54
John Miller Admiral Farragut Academy -11.22 20:59.40 21:10.62
Kyleigh Halloran Lakewood Ranch HS -14.31 21:00.80 21:15.11
Julia Mulligan Lakewood Ranch HS +43.63 21:51.80 21:08.17
Max Schratwieser Shorecrest Prep -59.66 21:14.10 22:13.76
Jason Baker Northside Christian +42.63 22:01.20 21:18.57
Elliot Brucculeri Admiral Farragut Academy -11.61 21:25.40 21:37.01
Jacob McLaughlin Dixie Hollins HS -13.49 21:28.90 21:42.39
John Jaworski Shorecrest Prep -2:43.05 21:29.20 24:12.25
Genesis Kennedy Seminole HS -3:10.10 21:35.70 24:45.80
Josiah Walker Boca Ciega HS +1:10.74 22:48.90 21:38.16
Cade Shapiro Lakewood HS +36.05 22:14.70 21:38.65
Josh Barritt Shorecrest Prep +6.04 21:53.80 21:47.76
Charles King St. Petersburg Catholic +45.05 22:33.30 21:48.25
Mariyah Salmeron Northeast HS (St. Petersburg) +46.96 22:40.10 21:53.14
Cal Salcedo St. Petersburg HS -4:23.46 21:57.80 26:21.26
Drew Mize St. Petersburg HS -1:39.12 22:03.60 23:42.72
Leo Cevera Northeast HS (St. Petersburg) +31.99 22:35.80 22:03.81
Christian Nichols Largo HS -13.82 22:05.80 22:19.62
John Edward Newsom St. Petersburg HS +2:39.94 24:46.60 22:06.66
Addison Shea Lakewood Ranch HS -4.18 22:07.70 22:11.88
Paul Sandusky Palm Harbor University HS +29.29 22:38.10 22:08.81
Ryan Lin Largo HS -1:13.56 22:12.60 23:26.16
Christopher Cook Clearwater HS +12.40 22:25.20 22:12.80
Sean Baily St. Petersburg HS -1:09.02 22:18.10 23:27.12
Sofia Carranza St. Petersburg HS -1:34.15 22:21.50 23:55.65
Alina Petkov Lakewood Ranch HS +1:15.01 23:37.10 22:22.09
Hwanhee Kim Admiral Farragut Academy -47.55 22:30.30 23:17.85
Lila Shore Northside Christian +3:00.98 25:46.20 22:45.22
Reece Campbell Shorecrest Prep -4:39.11 22:55.40 27:34.51
Lisa Muehlfellner Palm Harbor University HS +29.87 23:44.90 23:15.03
Andreas Noordstar Shorecrest Prep +31.78 23:47.90 23:16.12
Avery Rogers Palm Harbor University HS +1:10.31 24:29.40 23:19.09
Alyse Weaver Admiral Farragut Academy -55.91 23:19.70 24:15.61
Wyland Brown Largo HS -2:14.64 23:26.90 25:41.54
Andy Book Northside Christian +2:22.30 25:50.20 23:27.90
Kyra Galvin St. Petersburg HS +42.57 24:12.20 23:29.63
Fletcher Hammond St. Petersburg HS +23.68 24:02.10 23:38.42
Christian Legaspi St. Petersburg Catholic +2:44.73 26:30.90 23:46.17
Noah Cibrone Northside Christian -1:42.92 24:18.40 26:01.32
Elise Chandler St. Petersburg HS -50.75 24:20.70 25:11.45
Siuming Lam Boca Ciega HS +2:09.20 26:35.70 24:26.50
Ariana Pressimone Lakewood Ranch HS -25.42 24:28.30 24:53.72
Carter Pence Palm Harbor University HS -3:15.70 24:31.60 27:47.30
Erin More Palm Harbor University HS -2:10.16 24:33.20 26:43.36
Akeylah Davis Northeast HS (St. Petersburg) +52.62 25:26.80 24:34.18
Marissa Ellis Palm Harbor University HS -55.70 24:34.20 25:29.90
Madeleine Fishman Seminole HS -1:33.39 24:44.50 26:17.89
Carson Savino Northside Christian +3:38.51 28:28.70 24:50.19
Enzo Geritano St. Petersburg Catholic +7.73 24:58.40 24:50.67
Jude Bobbitt Northside Christian -24.60 24:52.10 25:16.70
Phoenix Freisberg-Hickey Shorecrest Prep -3:09.58 24:59.50 28:09.08
Hudson Hoffman Shorecrest Prep -52.10 25:03.80 25:55.90
Sabina Memet Lakewood HS -1:29.20 25:19.20 26:48.40
Uriah Vega Countryside HS -3:14.05 25:25.80 28:39.85
Alex Thomas Keswick Christian -2:26.98 25:32.90 27:59.88
Kelly Fuss St. Petersburg HS +5:08.98 30:45.80 25:36.82
Patrick McNguyen Largo HS +2:35.03 28:13.60 25:38.57
Alessandra Noordstar Shorecrest Prep +30.36 26:16.80 25:46.44
Sam Gorski Keswick Christian +1:19.34 27:05.90 25:46.56
Sophia Pena St. Petersburg HS -3:57.09 25:48.70 29:45.79
Jillian Sourini Countryside HS -9:01.47 25:54.10 34:55.57
Sadie Fogarty St. Petersburg Catholic -1:58.11 25:57.20 27:55.31
Katherine Knippen St. Petersburg HS +32.57 26:34.40 26:01.83
Simi Damani Shorecrest Prep -1:22.33 26:19.90 27:42.23
Isabella Shackton Countryside HS +21.18 26:41.60 26:20.42
Sean Cox Northside Christian +2:47.74 29:08.30 26:20.56
Ian McGee St. Petersburg HS -1:32.57 26:23.40 27:55.97
Alivia Book Northside Christian +4.88 26:32.80 26:27.92
Alyssa Fictum Northeast HS (St. Petersburg) +45.26 27:17.30 26:32.04
Presley Jones Northeast HS (St. Petersburg) +29.99 27:09.40 26:39.41
Caroline Bartlomiejczuk Lakewood Ranch HS +2:35.44 29:23.70 26:48.26
Taliana Wyatt Lakewood Ranch HS +1:30.57 28:21.00 26:50.43
Lilah McGowan Canterbury School (St. Pete) -3:18.21 26:54.90 30:13.11
Alane Hauser Seminole HS -12.96 27:16.80 27:29.76
Katherin Bogran Northeast HS (St. Petersburg) +19.11 27:43.50 27:24.39
Lillian Spaethe Countryside HS -35.96 27:28.60 28:04.56
Maya Harmak Dixie Hollins HS +36.67 28:11.80 27:35.13
Elizabeth Madden Largo HS -6:03.02 28:14.90 34:17.92
Charlie Bobbitt Northside Christian -3:00.27 28:17.00 31:17.27
Ariana Asoeva Admiral Farragut Academy -3:05.88 28:20.80 31:26.68
Natalie Miller Countryside HS -2:04.08 28:36.20 30:40.28
Rachel Boswell Northside Christian +2:12.68 30:55.50 28:42.82
Carihana Jantomaso Keswick Christian +42.29 29:51.00 29:08.71
Will Farley Shorecrest Prep +2:17.02 31:26.40 29:09.38
Mikayla Ward Dixie Hollins HS +1:01.61 30:23.20 29:21.59
Nyla Snead Lakewood HS +5:28.11 34:59.10 29:30.99
Heidi Connor Countryside HS +1:05.60 30:42.70 29:37.10
Addison Zomermaand Keswick Christian -3:30.68 29:58.00 33:28.68
Emma Davis Countryside HS -1:38.24 30:16.90 31:55.14
Guinevere Porcelli Seminole HS +2:08.76 32:26.50 30:17.74
Destiny Battie Countryside HS -23.48 30:18.50 30:41.98
Jenize Savage Countryside HS -1:35.62 30:21.10 31:56.72
Sophiejoon Alfonso St. Petersburg HS +39.21 31:11.70 30:32.49
Gianna Delgado St. Petersburg HS -3:46.26 30:36.50 34:22.76
Khawlah Rejila Boca Ciega HS -1:15.57 31:25.90 32:41.47
Clayton Adams Northeast HS (St. Petersburg) -3:35.92 31:30.50 35:06.42
Anna Nguyen St. Petersburg HS -1:17.86 32:26.40 33:44.26
Savannah Franzen Seminole HS -5.50 32:46.50 32:52.00
Cohlee Abbott Gibbs HS -4:22.26 35:15.90 39:38.16
Nola Mooney Gibbs HS +1:09.89 36:55.90 35:46.01
Jazlene King Northeast HS (St. Petersburg) +1:25.09 40:23.60 38:58.51