Daesha Rogers set two meet records in the 1500 and 800. Kiera Alexander, Jamil Mobhair, and Dexter Carter also put their names on the top of the all-time lists in the shot put, 200 hurdles, and triple jump, respectively.
You can order the full resolution photos or prints from teresamcintyre.com
Entries for the 2011 middle school state championship meet are now closed. We will NOT accept any late entries, additions, or changes. Entries that did not qualify have been scratched. We have a total of 75 teams and 645 athletes that represent 948 entries.
We are happy to announce the release of our 2011 meet logo that will appear on t-shirts and awards for the state championship meet. Also a reminder that the final three regional championship meets are being held this weekend. Registration for all three is still open.
We have been receiving a lot of inquiries about the middle school state meet and qualifiers this year. Mostly everything is the same as last year, with the exception of our partnership with FLYRA. Meet and qualifier info inside this article.
Wednesday evening the FLYRA Board of Directors met in a phone conference. The group reviewed the cross country championship, deeming it a success. Plans were made for a February board planning retreat. And the organization's first official logo was adopted. Additionally, the initial plans were made to combine forces with flrunners.com for this spring's upcoming tength annual track & field state championship.