Hello FLRunners! Wow, where does the time go? My senior year starts in just a little under two weeks and it's hard to believe that I have just one more year of high school. I am getting so excited for the upcoming season and I cannot wait to start racing. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about goals. What 5k PR I want to hit in the fall, where I want to finish in some key races, and how I'm going to survive taking four AP math and science classes my senior year. Everyone has goals and though they can be so big as to be scary, they really are exciting. Before achieving these goals, comes the preparation, the most important part. I think it's important not to doubt your training, no matter what type you are doing, or what phase you are in. Every run has its purpose and each one is only making you stronger and more prepared for the upcoming season.
In the last few weeks, my coach added fartleks and tempo runs to my schedule. I love fartleks. I'm not sure why, but I just really enjoy them! As every runner will say, running fast is exciting, so those runs have been really fun, albeit challenging. Those workouts, long runs, hills, and weight workouts have filled my summer with training, exactly how I like it!
During every hard interval or in the final miles of long runs, I just remind myself that what I'm doing is helping me achieve my goals. That's also what I say to myself when I take a nap in the middle of the day.

In the last week, I've been in Boston and New York. I love big cities and those two are probably my favorites. Whenever I travel I always keep up on my mileage and training. Running the local routes is, in my opinion, the best way to see a city! Running along the Charles River in Boston and Central Park in New York City with local runners (and what seemed like thousands of cyclists) let me see both places in a different way. For example, I bet you didn't know that Central Park has lots of hills or that the bridges along the Charles River are filled with graffiti. Not normal graffiti, however. I saw mostly inspirational messages and local colleges' mascots. My favorite part about traveling is exploring, so it seems only natural to do that by both walking around and running around. Now Im off to one last running camp which I'm sure will be very fun with some good training!
I'm sure everyone is getting just as excited for cross country as I am and I cannot wait to start racing along side some really fast friends in big meets. So let us all finish off our summers by training, exploring new places, and thinking about our goals! The time to achieve them all is coming up.
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