FACA XC Clinic: 15 Takeaways From Coach Alex Shaw

If you missed the 2015 FACA XC Clinic, don't worry. Braddock coach Alex Shaw was in attendance and gives us the top 15 suggestions for coaches and athletes that he learned this weekend!

After almost three full days of learning here is just a few important things that can help you get through the summer conditioning as well as the up’s & downs that the season may bring. At the end we all shoot to be toeing the line Nov 7th, but regardless whether you are going for a state title or simply attempting to make your first state trip, all this ideas can come in handy. Before I begin I want to give all the credit to the following coaches for the advice & great knowledge.

Coach Demarco (Blacksburg VA), Coach Hill (Former Winter Park), Coach Curran (Bishop Kenny), Coach Franks (Creekside), Coach Baur (Pine Crest) Coach Fleitas (both of them. D.P) and Coach McWilliams (Winter Park)..

Top 15 suggestions for coaches & athletes..

1) Every coach should begin the summer by Interviewing each and every runner (including returners). It takes under 5 minutes per runner and you don’t have to do it all at the same day. Here is what to ask.

*Season Goals / Academic Goals / Team Goals / Short & Long Term Goals / What do they expect from you as a coach / etc..

2) 22 hrs. of the day the athlete is NOT at practice. Which means MOST of the responsibility to becoming a successful runner falls on the runner (not the coach or the team). Do the “little things” right when you get home.

*Ice-cup / hydration / proper rest / proper eating / ice-tub / etc..

3) Runners might not like this one but its 100% true!!

“Treat everyone fairly, not equally".You can take that how ever way will fit your team.

4) Outside of weights, med-balls, push-up’s, core exercises, we will be adding JUMP ROPE to our routine. look up videos on www.milestat.com and search “Blacksburg High”..

5) When doing “Hill Striders” try breaking up the pace you actually run each hill. Ex: First 2 (easy), next 4 (medium), last 2 (all out). Most coaches just say “we have 8-10 hill repeats” but never change the pace of the short interval.

6) Every 21days your red blood cell count changes. Which means in theory you can see a pretty big improvement every 3 weeks (as long as you continue strengthening your body and improving your endurance & speed).

7) According to one of the speakers he believes for every 100 students in your school there is ONE that has the ability to crack into your Top 10 runners. Which means YOU have to recruit the hall ways a little better.

8) Get an email list of parents to keep all parents informed of things that are coming up. Example next team breakfast, hotel information for your next away trip, highlights of the previous race, fundraising activities, team dinner, etc..

9) Fact: If your body is 3% dehydrated, that converts into a 10% decrease in performance. Example a runner that runs 20min for a P.R will run closer to 22min if he/she is dehydrated by ONLY 3%. With temperatures in the high 80’s and low 90’s for the next 3 months, you better have your water near you at all times.

10) If you get 7hrs of sleep compared to the 9hrs that most elite athletes require to get, you can lose 50-60hrs per month on rest. The competition can technically be getting faster by simply going to bed EARLY.

11) The “Bear Workout”

4miles @ 6:30 pace

3miles @ 6:00 pace

2miles @ 5:30 pace

1mile @ 5:00 pace

*5min btw each set. Have fun!!

12) If you are planning on having a Check-up sometime during the Summer or early in the season ask the doctor to check your Iron. Especially for the ladies..

13) My personal advice. I have all my runners taking multi-vitamins.

14) My personal advice also. Make sure each and every runner has a running log (online or written). As a coach make sure you check each and every running log at least once every two week.

15) Have fun, train hard but recover harder. Hope to see you at the line on Nov 7..

Cross country season is less than two months away and many of our teams are already getting going with summer training and team camps! In the meantime you can check out our 2015 preseason rankings.

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